The Incorrigible Night Owl

April 17, 2004

Great John Zachary news!

Well! It's been a little while longer between updates than I'd intended. But it's been fairly quiet around here and so not much to report.

I do have two HUGE news items about John Zachary, though. First off: He is sleeping through the night!! Yes, after 9.5 LONG months, he suddenly began sleeping upwards of 12 hours straight the night of April 8th, and has done so every night since, so far.

We had begun to work on weaning him at night and that is the only thing we can figure that made a difference. Had I but known that that was all it would take, I would have done it a lot sooner. But I always had a bit of doubt, deep down..."Maybe he's really hungry." It was only just recently I was sure that he was not and that he really could make it through the night without a snack.

In case anyone who reads this hasn't been following the saga: this child has been up every 2-3 hours basically every night since he was born. He slept 12 hours straight ONE night prior to this, when he was very small. There were a couple of 8-9 hour nights, then the random 6-7 hour block here and there. A good night for us was him "only" getting up once or twice! So this is just huge. For him to suddenly snap into a normal sleep pattern is a blessing from God, and that's no exaggeration! Due to crummy sleeping for the last part of my pregnancy, I had not had a full nights' sleep in about a year. The longest I'd slept straight through since JZ was born was 4 hours, and that was a rarity. Now I am back to getting 6-7 hour blocks every night.

The second item of news is that, as of today, JZ is officially crawling! He had managed to scoot about two feet, twice, yesterday, then wouldn't do it again. But tonight he finally figured it out and went around the living room, entertaining himself, for about an hour. He stopped to play with the Little People toys and then made a beeline for the shelves and started pulling things off. Guess it's time to put up the breakables. He still, I think, hasn't realized just how much freedom this gives him. He didn't attempt to follow me when I walked out of the room, or go anywhere outside our little play area of the living room. I'm sure he will catch on quickly, though.

In other news, Robert will be going out of town this coming week and I'm trying to think up something fun to do with the kids. I may take them up to the city one day and shop, have a nice lunch, play on the mall's playground, etc. We'll see, though. I always make these grand plans for when Robert is gone and then end up just sitting here the entire time.

We are going to spend some time tomorrow working on cleaning out the garage and sorting through all the yard sale stuff. We intend to have a sale on May 1st. Then, on May 2nd, as long as we have all that cash, we are going to take the kids up to the city and go to the zoo. And I will be doing by darnedest to see that we get a little shopping in, as well.

Well, I'm long past my bedtime, as usual, so I'll be packing it in for tonight.
